Those who remain neutral
Those who remain neutral

those who remain neutral

Those sounding the alarm for the past century have been marginalized, outside the meticulously kept Overton window of acceptable discourse. The long slide towards dictatorship is almost complete – and the mainstream hasn’t noticed this whole time. The right and the left are no longer so clear cut. It is end times for traditional politics. There is no authority in the Democrats – they do nothing to staunch the bleeding, but only through gaff after gaff make themselves less potent to represent those they are elected to represent. Right now, the US Democrats are part of this treason, doing everything in their power to let voting be corrupted, districts gerrymandered, and terrorists win. On a logical level, it’s almost funny, if it weren’t for the dire consequences, and world-historic mess-ups. This cycle of reactivity, to only use the tools of violence, rather than reassessing social engineering and design, is exactly how you get more coup d’etats. But the end isn’t the end, viz., the goal is to accrue more power and legibility, not to actually stop terrorism. Not better education, better prosecution of high up officials who goaded the failed coup d’etat, more social cohesion.

those who remain neutral

We need more police power, more data, more panopticon. In many ways, this is predictable enough. Predictably, more surveillance and bigger data is the answer to dealing with terrorism, this time domestic.

Those who remain neutral